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ARBA, American Rare Breed Assoc 

KCUSA, Kennel Club of United States of America 

ABCA, International All Breed Canine Association

ICKC, International Canine Kennel Club






These are venues to show your BBS/WSSD that can earn National and International championships here in the United States.  These venues judge your registered dogs based on the FCI Standard for the Berger Blanc Suisse/White Swiss Shepherd Dog.




The future of this breed and the road to recognition by the American Kennel Club, AKC, lies in the strict compliance of living with the FCI rules and policies regarding this breed. Breeders should breed only to to other FCI registered BBS/WSS and register their dogs with the FCI member available to the United States, Federacion Canofila de Puerto Rico, FCPR.


Buyers of the BBS/WSSD should require the puppy or dog that they consider from any breeder be registered by FCI only. If you insist on this requirement then you will be getting the Berger Blanc Suisse/ White Swiss Shepherd.


Currently, the United States bred BBS/WSSD dogs are not valued by most of the rest of the world because of many breeders here breed AKC white German Shepherds and UKC White Shepherds, to there imported BBS/WSSD. Although they have the same heritage they are considered different breeds. There are 3 different white shepherd breeds. The Berger Blanc Suisse/White Swiss Shepherd Dog, the White Shepherd and the German Shepherd Dog, color white. Any one of these breeds are nice dogs but if you want a BBS/WSSD then look for a FCI registered pup.


If you consider showing your dog only show it as what it is, a




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